Snuggle up
Its important in this cooler weather to have adequate bedding for your dog. Even though they have a fur coat they feel the cold. Make sure their beds are clean & dry & laundered regularly. Our Dog Gone Design cushion are so easy to wash....just zip off the cover & throw in the washing machine. You can give the cushion a good air in the sun at the same time. Don't forget to have ample water available for Fido....sticking close to the heater can make for a very thirsty dog!.
Introducing the HUGE!
After many requests for a super size dog cushion, we have come up with the HUGE !! Measuring 85cm x 120cm its big enough for the largest of hounds. It will be available at the end of the week & in some new & exciting colours.
What a day!!
What a fantastic day we had at Mosman Markets today. Thank you to all my fabulous customers , who have nearly cleaned me out!!!. Rest assured I will be busy producing some new stock. If you would like to put in a request feel free to email :
Dog Gone Design was lucky enough to be included in PitchFest as part of the Reed Gift Fair in Melbourne.. After a quick dash down South & some daunting pitching of our gorgeous dog beds. We were very happy with the reactions of all!.
Home sweet home!
Like us humans , your dog can be overwhelmingly happy to be home from a holiday OR thoroughly depressed! Thankfully we all eventually come back to reality & get back into the swing of things. As you can see, Molly is doing ok!